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Training & Consultation  


  • Impact of developmental trauma on sensory processing, emotional regulation, and attachment.

  • Childhood trauma and the brain: neurodevelopmental essentials for therapists and educators.

  • Development interrupted: how toxic stress and interpersonal trauma change the body, mind and brain.  

  • Understanding traumatic stress and the arousal regulation continuum in children and youth.  

  • Fragmentation, disorganization and dissociation: An overlooked side of developmental trauma.  

  • Trauma and the threat-oriented child: sensorimotor approaches for restoring self-regulation and connection.

  • The impact of early life stress on attachment, sense of self and the developing social brain. 

  • Building interoceptive awareness in vulnerable children and youth: a trauma informed, assessment-based approach.

  • Designing regulating spaces, places and practices: guidance for foster care and residential care settings.    

  • Creating trauma sensitive classrooms: the power of relationships, rhythms, routines and rituals.

  • Restoring regulation and occupational balance in the aftermath of trauma. A lives in context approach.



  • Unpacking emotional regulation in children: tracking the 6R’s of emotional reaction and emotional responding.

  • Environments, internal states and sensory perception: how they shape children’s ability to learn, remember and                    self-regulate.

  • How early experiences shape the development of executive functions and regulatory control. 

  • Sensory integrative dysfunction in children: what it is and how parents and educators can help.   

  • Scaffolding self-regulation through co-regulation of stress, emotional states, and relational ruptures and repairs.    


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