All of the services we offer are trauma-informed, relationship-centered, supported by research
and guided by evidence of effectiveness.

Live & Custom Training
We offer a broad range of trainings
Developmental trauma & traumatic stress.
Sensory-somatic and state-based treatment approaches.
Trauma-related alterations in sensory processing and executive functions.
Cross-links between interoception, alexithymia and dissociation.
Evidence informed approaches for improving interoceptive awareness

​Our e-learning trainings will be offered starting in early 2025. Our first courses will focus on:
Interoception: what it is, what is isn't, why it matters and how to improve it.
Impact of abuse, neglect and early chronic stress on sensory processing and body connection.
State-based approaches for improving regulatory capacity and emotional literacy.

The success of any intervention or program depends on the way it is implemented, measured and sustained. We have over two decades of research and evaluation experience in community, educational, and clinical settings.
Our proven track record shows we know how to effectively support agencies working to make a positive impact through innovative programs and high-caliber service delivery.