The card deck is a standardized measure of eight dimensions of interoceptive awareness in children and youth, ages 7 to 17 years. It can be completed as a self-administered assessment or in an interview administered format. Thirty-two aspects of interoceptive awareness are depicted in diverse groups of children and youth engaged in social participation and everyday activities. Interoceptive awareness, noticing internal body sensations, including stress-related and emotional states, is essential for physical and mental health, and emotional regulation.
DIMENSIONS: Noticing Feelings, Not Distracting, Not Worrying, Attention Regulation, Emotional Awareness, Self Regulation, Body Listening, Body Trust
- A focus on everyday activities and social participation
- Emphasis on diversity and inclusion
- Tool for tracking changes over time
- 32 Cards
- Visual Rating Scale
- Interoceptive Awareness Wellness Wheel
- Pack of 25 Score Cards
- Instructions
Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness: Youth Card Deck
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